Vinyl Digging VS E-Digging

There appears to be a debate over vinyl digging VS e-digging in this day and age.

For those that aren’t Hip Hop producers or producers in general ‘digging’ basically means finding records to sample to make your own beats as the majority of Hip Hop is based on sampling other records.  ‘Vinyl Digging’ has been the more ‘traditional’ way in which many producers have chosen to sample records.  In other words they will dig for samplable breaks through old vinyl records and use the records there.Continue reading

What Jazz Taught Me About Hip Hop Part 2

So let’s talk a little more in depth about what Jazz taught me about Hip Hop.  In part 1 I explained how I came to the decision to gain a deeper understanding of Jazz.  Now let’s actually explain what it taught me.  First of all it’s given me a deep understanding of chords and chord progressions which has allowed me the ability to create music without being reliant on sampling other music.  I found that a lot of my favourite samples are that of Jazz and there are certain patterns consistent in Jazz that can be recreated in a Hip Hop format.  One example is that almost all Jazz chord progressions go down in fifths and often in the widely known ii V I chord progression.  What can be confusing about Jazz is that it very regularly changes key every 4 or so chords in a single composition so you may well hear different examples of ii V I progression or other chords going down in fifths often going back to resolve at the original key the piece started off in.
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90s Hip Hop VS Now

The so called ‘Golden Era’ 90s Hip Hop VS Now is something that is regularly debated.  Often in favour of the former.  People want to talk about how the youth of today just don’t understand Hip Hop.  I hear the arguments but to be honest I think it echoes that of the older generation moaning about Hip Hop when it was first developed.  Or similarly the older generation before them complaining about this new ‘evil’ Rock music, or ‘devil music’ as some would have referred to it.Continue reading

To Sample Or Not To Sample??

To sample or not to sample?…… That is the question??

Sampling has long been considered the bedrock of hip hop production.  Not to mention an integral part of a lot of dance music, drum & bass, and trip hop.

The vast majority of hip hop classics we love have used samples of other people’s work.  Yet it seems there is an ever increasing threat of a lawsuit being brought to an artist that chooses to use samples of other peoples work without clearance. As a result, it is becoming more and more difficult to produce hip hop in this sample based manner.Continue reading