Vinyl Digging VS E-Digging

There appears to be a debate over vinyl digging VS e-digging in this day and age.

For those that aren’t Hip Hop producers or producers in general ‘digging’ basically means finding records to sample to make your own beats as the majority of Hip Hop is based on sampling other records.  ‘Vinyl Digging’ has been the more ‘traditional’ way in which many producers have chosen to sample records.  In other words they will dig for samplable breaks through old vinyl records and use the records there.Continue reading

The Good and Bad of Digital DJing

Yes as the musical world has now been thoroughly digitally overthrown, I thought I’d take a look at the good and bad of digital DJing.

I was once a purist in the world of Hip Hop with a very ‘dustier than now’ disposition.  This is both in terms of DJing and music production.  I had no interest in using computers.  I only sampled from vinyl (ok occasionally from CD shhh!…) I’d only play with ‘real’ records.  None of this CDJ rubbish and heaven forbid I use Serato or Traktor. Continue reading

90s Hip Hop VS Now

The so called ‘Golden Era’ 90s Hip Hop VS Now is something that is regularly debated.  Often in favour of the former.  People want to talk about how the youth of today just don’t understand Hip Hop.  I hear the arguments but to be honest I think it echoes that of the older generation moaning about Hip Hop when it was first developed.  Or similarly the older generation before them complaining about this new ‘evil’ Rock music, or ‘devil music’ as some would have referred to it.Continue reading