Making Fire Rapping in 3/4 Time

In this video I’m working on rapping in 3/4 time. It’s as part of this obscure song I’m working on called, “Rephrased Yesterdays” which incorporates a combination of experimentalism and vaporwave sounds. This song will incorporate numerous time signatures but one part is in the 3/4 time signature so I thought I’d demonstrate how I go about constructing a verse like this in real time.

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My Experiences Releasing My First Indie Album! – “Lord of the Dead” – 10 Years On!

I thought I’d tell you some of my experiences releasing my first indie album and how I feel about the project looking back 10 years on since I released it. Especially given we’ve just passed Halloween 2023 and the crazy album is called, “Lord of the Dead” – A Concept Rap Album about living in the mist of Zombie Apocalypse…

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Lyric Video for Miami 1986

I’ve posted a new lyric video for Miami 1986, a song off of the Marvelous Adventures of the Wayback Machine.

Sometimes he best way to understand the meanings behind different song is to actually read the lyrics.  And there’s no better way to do that than through doing a lyrics video so you can read along to the music and get a better idea of whatever the hell I’m banging on about through my songs….Continue reading

Mississippi Delta 1920 (Music Video)

So here’s the Mississippi Delta 1920 music video which is the first track off of the ‘Marvelous Adventures of the Wayback Machine‘ a Rap EP all about time travel.  This song takes us to Mississippi Delta during the year 1920 and is about the prominence of the blues from that area as well as a look at the awful idea that was prohibition.  Basically, I’m rapping about everything from blues to booze!!  Go check it out here;Continue reading